‘Big Brother 16’ review: Caleb gets creepy; Donny vs. Devin
Given that this was a much less eventful week in “Big Brother 16” than what we saw on the show last time, it was a heck of a lot easier for the show to accurately present the events of the house on Wednesday’s episode. Most of it was entertaining, and also still accurate to what actually took place.
Caleb gets creepier – The guy is completely terrifying with the way that he acts around Amber, and it’s like a not-fun version of Shane and Danielle from a couple of seasons ago. Then again, Amber has not also been completely honest with him about how she feels. Until she does that, he’s just going to continue to act this way.
Also, Caleb’s behavior around Cody and Amber is hilarious. If she actually kisses him, we’re pretty sure that someone will need to install security in the house.
Team America mission – This was a great mission for Frankie, since he had to do absolutely nothing to convince the house that Zach was Amanda’s cousin. Heck, Zach did most of the dirty work. We have no clue why the guy is acting like this, but it is kind of funny to see him continually troll the house.
Jocasta is sick – There’s not a lot to report here, but she does at least get better throughout the week. She spent much of her time tonight in the bathroom.
Devin vs. Donny – The editing in the Veto was pretty great for this David vs. Goliath battle, and while it’s awesome that Donny won, he is not doing a very good job of realizing that this is probably not the best way for him to play the game. He’s making himself out to be a big target, and a likable one that cannot be fully trusted. He may be in danger next week.
There was some real paranoia about Donny not using the Veto, but he did the right thing game-wise by doing it. This way, he at least gives himself a few more weeks, since Devin’s not someone he really could have ever worked with in the first place.
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Photo: CBS