‘Big Brother 16’ review: Is Donny actually a good player?
On Sunday night’s “Big Brother 16” episode, we started to wonder this very question. He’s so nice that he never gets upset at people, and he is able to almost use this whole “aw, shucks” demeanor as plausible deniability for things.
Take, for example, that conversation between him and Nicole after she nominated him for betraying her trust. He managed to convince her that because she supposedly didn’t tell him not to spread around that Caleb was going on the block as a volunteer, that it was somewhat okay. Want to check the tape on that? Either way, Donny ended up making Nicole feel so bad that she really wants to work with him.
While we do not feel like Donny is going to win this entire competition, he’s probably going to charm his way pretty far if he keeps this up. Plus, there are some much bigger targets in the game.
Most of this episode contained stuff that was already revealed long ago from the live feeds, but we did have to say that the entire Battle of the Block was hilarious. Caleb was trying to throw it, but at the same time everyone else was so horrible that his awfulness somehow didn’t show up at all. This was actually how you throw a competition. If Donny and Amber didn’t win this, they would have looked really stupid. The other thing that mattered from this was that we now understand why Jocasta has gotten so sick over being out in the sun so long.
As for some other funny moments from this episode…
- Does anyone else think that Nicole and Hayden should be a part of the next season of “Fargo”?
- Caleb’s explanation of how he was throwing the challenge was actually mildly amusing, even if we still think the guy’s a tool.
- The ghost of Amanda Zuckerman haunted the house when Team America decided to pin Zach as Amanda’s cousin, while there was a funny segment about Frankie actually being related to Ariana Grande.
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Photo: CBS