‘Big Brother 16’ live feed spoilers: Devin, Brittany’s late-night argument

Devin -During the “Big Brother 16” premiere, there were moments when we were genuinely impressed with Devin’s game. Then, there were also moments where we started to feel like the guy was trying to play the game much too fast.

Now, we are starting to think that he is simply not a good player at all, and for the simple reason that he is volatile and goes off about things that there really doesn’t need to be fights about … like bedding, or the cleanliness of the house. He is that guy who wants to assert his will all of the time, when it reality the only time that you really want to ever speak up in the house is when it comes to your game. He had an argument with Brittany about it last night that was a rehashing of a similar fight when the feeds first came on, and she went off, cried a little, complained to others, and then went about her evening. She didn’t hold a grudge for too long, which is smart on her part.

Thanks to Caleb, who has no interest in nominating Devin, he will be spared for another week. With that being said, almost everyone wants him out pretty soon. That’s becoming clear after the counting heads of who would vote for him to go home from last night. Caleb now realizes that he may need to scrap his whole “I’m going with the house vote” strategy since both he and the house want different things.

As for one other little hilarious thing from last night, people congratulated Zach just on staying up! So far, he has established a reputation for being the literal sleeper of the season. We know that he has made some moves when awake, but that is on a less regular basis than all of the other players.

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Photo: CBS

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