‘Big Brother 16’ houseguest spotlight: Will Paola Shea spin her way to a win?
Let’s go ahead and get this out of the way: We’re probably going to dislike Paola Shea on “Big Brother” intensely, but at the same time, we will probably want her around for a little while. She brings drama to her interview with Big Jeff of all people, so she will probably make things interesting in the house.
With that being said, make no mistake that she is probably just on the show to further her DJ career and get attention. We don’t really see much evidence that she really loves the “Big Brother” game herself, and is similar in that sense to some of the mother models or DJs to have appeared.
Name – Paola Shea
Age – 27
Location – Astoria, New York
Occupation – DJ (though she has done some modeling)
Strengths – She is probably going to do well in endurance competitions since she is pretty small and in good shape, but at the same time, we cannot see her being targeted for being either a strategic or a challenge threat. There are just so many other fish out there to fry right now.
Weaknesses – The reason that we say we will probably dislike her is just because she comes across as very irritating and also takes little digs at people for almost no reason at all. We can see her getting very old right away to some of the other players. She is going to run her mouth to the detriment of her game, and it could get to the point where the drama she brings is unbearable. We also don’t know if she understands this game enough to get out of a tough position.
Past houseguest comparison – She reminds us a little of Laura from season 11 mixed with GinaMarie from last year (minus the offensive stuff that GinaMarie said). The reason we go with the latter is because GinaMarie was brought far in part because she was easy to beat, and we could see the same with Paola.
Prediction – We would wager that it is around 80% likely Paola goes pretty early in the game, even the first week since she could be a safe boot that nobody would be angry about. However, if there are big game-players in there they may elect to keep her longer, just so that there is easier competition down the road. If she gets into the jury phase of the game, do not be surprised if she ends up being final 2 bait.
What do you think about Paola right now, and do you believe we have it way wrong? Let us know below, and head over here if you missed all of our other “Big Brother” spotlights. (Only two more to go!) You can also sign up today for further TV news via our CarterMatt Newsletter.
Photo: CBS