‘American Idol XIII’ top 4 spoilers: What Jena Irene, Alex Preston could perform

The logo -After turning over the power to America  over the past several weeks for them to get involved, the power will be back in the contestants’ hands on “American Idol XIII” moving forward into the next new episode airing on Fox next week.

So what will they have the potential to perform? Well, this may be one of the most familiar themes of all to many: Love. According to TVLine, the remaining four contestants will sing all about “Break-Ups and Make-Ups,” and that has to be as expansive of a theme as there is. there are countless songs out there created on the subject, and the possibilities here are almost endless for good performances.

Who do we feel is going to make it into the top 4? That’s a tricky question to try to answer, but for the time being, the favorites probably have to start with Alex Preston and Caleb Johnson, with Jena Irene following them up since she has been in danger before. We see tonight being ultimately a showdown between either Jessica Meuse (who is finally starting to receive some good feedback from the judges) or Sam Woolf (who was almost eliminated once already).

We feel like now is the time when contestants are going to have to stand up and perform like kings, and maybe this is when we will start to see that happen. We’ve had great performances here and there, but not anything yet that we would consider to be “American Idol” magic.

What do you think about the theme for the next “American Idol” episode? Share your thoughts below, and head over to the link here to read what we thought about the top 4 performance show from Wednesday night. Also, be sure to sign up for some more news worth singing about now courtesy of our CarterMatt Newsletter.

Photo: Fox

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