‘Big Brother Canada 2’ live feed spoilers: Nominations and a ‘task’

Kyle Shore -Let’s start this “Big Brother Canada 2” live feed update with a little bit of comedy: The houseguests were given a “task” by Big Brother that involved cleaning up the place and blindfolds. Who wants to bet that this may have been altered somewhat from what was the original plan? These people are slobs; we’ve seen messy houses before (the “Big Brother 15” house was a dump after Elissa left), but this may be one of the messiest ones that has ever been on the show to date. What happened to all these people who claimed to hate slobs pregame? Are they all shutting up in fear of being targeted?

Anyhow, that was one of the afternoon highlights at a time when there really hasn’t been that much in the way of game talk. There has been a little bit more footage of the War Room, though, which has helped to give us more clarification on what is really happening there. Nate, Scott, and Allison can see the other players at times, but cannot hear them. They can only make assumptions based on what evidence that they have. To us, this definitely make matters much more interesting.

In case you haven’t seen the videos yet of the #FinalHG possibilities yet, we’ve got them for you below. We feel right now that from a game standpoint, Allison is the most competent and could do well strategically; meanwhile, Scott is the bigger character and will most likely give good confessionals. Sorry Nate, but you really have no shot at this. It’s mostly between the other two.

As for nominations, new Head of Household Andrew has put up both Neda and Paul, with the latter likely serving as the target for now. We know that there was discussion about getting Kyle on the block, but for the time being, the nominations are what they are. We’ll see what happens after the Power of Veto Competition. (Adel and Kyle seem to believe that they could be backdoored.) It wouldn’t hurt Andrew at all to just get rid of Paul, given that the man has played a pretty awful game, and we cannot see anyone really being that upset about it. This whole “I’m in everyone’s heads” plan lasted all of about four seconds.

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Photo: Slice

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