‘Big Brother Canada 2’ live feed spoilers: Paul, Andrew, Kyle, and craziness

Andrew Gordon -While there are still so many people in the “Big Brother Canada 2” house that it can be confusing at times to follow, what we can report for the time being is pretty simple: The men are starting to go at each other’s throats, and while there is no fully-defined target yet, get ready for a ton of chest-puffing.

In case you missed it earlier in the day, the new Head of Household is none other than Andrew, who is balancing his desire for revenge and his desire to get rid of someone who he really doesn’t like. There is a part of him that really wants to take out Paul; even if he doesn’t go home this week, he is still vowing to make life as horrible as humanly possible for the guy.

The other target here potentially is someone who ironically was in a guys’ alliance with Andrew earlier on (even if it was a fake one): Kyle. These two have butted heads, and on a game level Kyle is probably a bigger threat. Nobody takes Paul seriously anymore; the biggest thing he is right now is an irritant. Andrew is, granted, very irritated over the fact that he was accused of being sexist and racist by Paul, which is something that can carry implications with you after the game. (Just ask Aaryn about that.)

Paul is still trying to in turn play mind-games. His latest one now that he has no power? Trying to get Andrew so riled up that he does something insane. We’ll see how that works…

For now, the dominant alliance still seems to be the “First Five” group: Andrew, Sabrina, Sarah, Arlie, and Kenny. There are a ton of other little alliances here and there (Sarah and Kyle are close, for example), but this is this season’s version of Quatro / the Moving Company except with both men and women involved.

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Photo: Slice

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