‘Pretty Little Liars’ season 4, episode 22 review: Did Spencer Hastings ‘kill’ Alison DiLaurentis?
Tonight on “Pretty Little Liars,” there were all sorts of weird things that happened over the course of the entire hour … but there was also one of the most important moments of the entire series’ run so far, as we started to figure out more information as to whether or not one of our characters in Spencer Hastings could actually be a killer.
Was this particular young woman actually response for the death of Alison DiLaurentis? Before tonight’s new episode, we never really considered it. We thought of Spencer more as an extremely smart girl who struggled at times to get everything together, and never thought that a drug problem could have caused anything so substantial. Is there a greater mind-game played here? It’s possible.
What we really didn’t care about so much was Aria’s random Syracuse fling, since there really is not that much room left on the show to focus on anything other than the important stuff. We wanted to see more of her with Ezra’s book at the end, mostly since her language was almost further proof that he was being set up more as the fall guy than the bad guy. He was a writer who got far too close to his subjects, and he still has to care for that. But, it doesn’t seem like he is someone who is trying to hurt or destroy any of the women.
All in all, “Cover For Me” was an episode that brought a lot to the table. It put us on the path that we have been hoping for going into the finale, where there are pointed questions rather than broad ones. We just hope that in between Hanna’s personal life, Paige and Emily, and Spencer’s addiction, the show finds a way to tie together most of these loose ends. Grade: B-.
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Photo: ABC Family
March 5, 2014 @ 8:44 pm
but isn’t allison alive? so, obviously spencer didnt kill her…