‘Teen Wolf’ season 3, episode 19 review: Evil Stiles vs. Scott and much more
“Teen Wolf” season 3 continues to reinforce one particular thing to us: Stiles is not such nice a guy anymore, and some of his exploits are not exactly easy to watch. Just go on Twitter if you want to see just how some of the fans feel about the character’s transformation, and the sort of terrible possession that is going on with him.
But, for the sake of this article, let’s try to take a minute here and distance ourselves from what this Stiles character is now, and turn to how Dylan O’Brien is really turning in some great work as this guy. He’s Scott’s friend, and that is precisely why there was so much pain in his eyes near the end here as you saw that sword writhing and twisting around in his friend’s body. Part of Stiles wanted to save him, but he couldn’t figure out the best way to really do so. It took Deaton intervening to really get us anywhere near a position where hope can be restored again.
As for the rest of the episode beyond these final scenes at the end, there were some pretty sweet fights with the Oni, though we also learned in the process just what sort of destruction that they are really capable of. Were there a few moments where the show tried to do too much? Sure, and that does remain one of its flaws. It really wants to prove to you that it is a good show, and sometimes it goes a little overboard. Grade: B-.
Overall, what did you think about this “Teen Wolf” episode? Share some of your thoughts below, and also be sure to head on over to the link here if you want to read some more news related to the show that includes a preview for the next new episode.
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Photo: MTV