‘Doctor Who’ season 8 spoilers: Peter Capaldi films some of his first new scenes

There is not much time for rest on the “Doctor Who” set … especially if you are the man at the center of the show.

Over the past several months, Peter Capaldi has already had a little bit of an opportunity to see just what sort of hysteria comes with being the leading man. He took part in the initial announcement, did a few interviews, and is actually now working in and around Cardiff, Wales on some of the first scenes for the new season.

There is already some photos and videos floating around out there of one Capaldi’s first scenes, but we’re not going to share them here. Why? We have a policy against sharing images or video that the network would not want for you to particularly see; it’s all about respecting the creative process, which not many other people out there seem all that interested in doing. But what we will tell you about right now is that the shot took place outdoors in the city streets at night, and what Capaldi’s Doctor is doing is something that may surprise many of you.

We imagine that the weather had to be rather chilly for him, but this is something he better get used to. Filming is likely going to take place at this time both this year and in 2014, and it is all thanks to reported comments from Steven Moffat that season 9 is likely going to follow the same pattern as the one before it, and air all of its new episodes in the fall. Production will take place for a good half of the year, and then the actors will be freed up to do some other things … even Peter to an extent. But make no mistake that while British TV usually allows for a lot of creative freedom, being The Doctor is one of the most demanding jobs out there.

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