‘Dexter’ season 8 spoilers: Deb, the truth, and trouble

DexterIs Dexter Morgan about to be in some serious hot water soon? It has been almost a given ever since his sister Deb found out who he really is, but the real trigger that will be changing things for him on “Dexter” season 8 is his sister pulling the literal trigger on LaGuerta. Remember all of those morals and things that Deb once imagined that she stood for? Well, most of those are now off in a dumpster somewhere. She has fully compromised herself for the sake of trying to protect her brother, and it looks like she will be a broken woman from here on out.

So what is next for the show, and for Deb as a character? According to Entertainment Weekly, the third episode of this season looks to be a particularly memorable one. Why is that? It appears as though this is going to be the hour when Deb decides to completely show how honest she really is, and make some sort of confession.

As for what sort of confession this is … aren’t there really only a few options for this? We cannot imagine that this is going to be good news for Dexter, especially as she starts to become more and more unstable. You’ve likely heard the news already that she is no longer working for Miami Metro, and she also gets pulled in at one point for a DUI. This is hardly the black-and-white cop that we saw at the start of the series, and really only one person is to blame here, regardless of whether or not he recognizes it.

If you want to read some more official details on the show’s upcoming premiere from Showtime, our suggestion is to take a look over at the link here.

Photo: Showtime

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