Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Any post-Veto plans? (day 13)

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

All things considered, today could be one of the quieter ones in Big Brother 26 — unless, of course, someone stirs up drama.

What are we looking at on the surface? Provided that things stay where they presently are, this could be one of the more predictable weeks of the season. Head of Household Chelsie has on the block Lisa, Angela, and Kenney. Kenney won the Veto, and as of right now, it is easy to say that Tucker will be the replacement nominee — mostly because he volunteered for some silly reason.

Is there a chance Tucker goes this week? There’s a small possibility, but he benefits from the fact a lot of people want Lisa gone. Also, he hasn’t made as many of the same mistakes as Matt did last week. Also, it is fair to remember here that Chelsie may still opt to go in a different direction. A person to really watch today is Leah, who has been mentioned as a candidate before. The more obvious it seems that she and Cam could have something going on, the bigger a threat she becomes — especially to Chelsie, who could want to ensure that Cedric and Cam still with her. The only reason to not nominate Leah is that it could alienate Cam on some level. Leah has played messy at times, talking to a lot of people and sharing a ton of information. She also is outspoken, meaning she’ll never blend into the background.

As for some other odds and ends at present, Quinn has outed the Pentagon alliance (which had him and Brooklyn plus Cam, Chelsie, and Cedric) to T’kor and Kimo, who he says are his true final three. That is smart mostly in that it shows the other two who they cannot trust in terms of numbers. Quinn’s told too much info to the wrong people at times, but this could actually be a formidable trio if they stay together and lay low.

Related Be sure to get some more thoughts on Kenney’s Veto win last night

What do you most want to see moving into the rest of the day in the Big Brother 26 feeds?

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