Claim to Fame season 2: Is Chris related to Billy Idol?

Claim to Fame season 2

Throughout most of Claim to Fame season 2, a lot of people out there have been desperate to know Chris’ relative. Is it Billy Idol?

Well, we do think that there were some clues that started to point them in that direction. After all, the word “idol” within teen idol. Also, the dancing show that could be a reference to “Dancing with Myself,” or the dollar bill that exists on the clue wall. They all know that Chris is related to a musician, and Idol is of course a pretty legendary one, right?

Well, here is the problem: He is not related to Billy Idol. Instead, he is related to Donny Osmond. Nobody seems to be aware of that. It’s almost bizarre how they haven’t mentioned his name, but some of that could be due to the other players’ ages. The biggest clue has been staring at them for weeks now: “Puppy Love,” one of Donny’s most iconic songs. Also, there are few other teen idols out there who have anywhere near the same level of fame that he did in the 1970’s. Also, he looks a lot like Donny Osmond!

Ultimately, what Chris’ storyline this season shows is that beyond just good strategy, Claim to Fame as a show does also require a certain bit of luck sometimes. You have to be able to dupe people into thinking certain things about you at opportune times, and it can prove difficult here and there.

This wasn’t the only bad guess tonight…

As it turns out, later on the idea got thrown out there that he was actually related to Elton John. As a matter of fact, this is the guess that ended up getting Hugo eliminated at the end.

Related Be sure to get more news on Claim to Fame, including a look at the next episode

What did you think about tonight’s new Claim to Fame season 2 episode, and the Chris – Billy idol clues?

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(Photo: ABC.)

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