‘Big Brother Canada’ interview: Tom & Liza, Aneal & Kat, and Suzette & Danielle
In addition to talking with all of the jurors following the “Big Brother Canada” finale on Thursday night, we also had a chance to spend a few minutes with some of the players that were eliminated a little bit earlier on in the season. While you may have read some of our exit interviews with them earlier in the season, what is particularly great about these new interviews is the opportunity to get a little bit of context from them about the overall experience that came with watching the season play out, along with the controversial end of the season with Topaz accidentally casting her vote for the wrong person.
Be sure to check out all of the videos below (thanks again to BB Canada Insider for producing these), and we have a little summary to go with each one. One thing to remember to keep in mind here is that this was literally right after the finale was taped Thursday, so emotions were running very high.
Kat Yee & Aneal Ramkissoon – Probably the most strategy-based interview, as we heard reactions from both of them about what happened, along with some frustration on Kat’s part that she went out so early in the game.
Suzette Amaya & Danielle Alexander – There was a great deal of anger over the end result from these two, mostly because they were good friends of Gary’s in the game, and of course wanted to see him win.
Tom Plant & Liza Stinton – Tom was probably burning up wearing this outfit in the extremely hot backyard, but this showmance was extremely fired up to talk about the Gary vote, though their opinion was about as far away from Danielle and Suzette’s as humanly possible. What this really shows is just how many big personalities there really were this season, and why this was such a close vote in the end.
Want to read some of our other “Big Brother Canada” finale interviews? You can see our video chat with the Sheyld as well as AJ & Andrew here, and our visit with the winner Jillian MacLaughlin is at this link.
Photo: Slice