American Horror Story: Double Feature finale: Will Red Tide factor in?
Are these two halves of the story connected in any way? There are certainly some theories that have been dangled out there already.
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One of the biggest ones we’ve heard about time and time again relates to the Black Pill, the source of everyone’s sudden “inspiration” in the first half of the season. The lamest theory out there is that this entire alien saga is a story from Harry / someone else who took the pill in Red Tide. It’s hard to imagine that being altogether satisfying.
Meanwhile, another theory is that the pill is somehow alien technology and therefore, the byproduct of some negotiation with Ike and the aliens. Could the Chemist be connected, or did this character stumble across some plans for it? These are viable possibilities, and at least you could make an argument that the writers could say this.
There’s an additional argument now that Harry and Doris’ baby in Red Tide could actually be the “perfect specimen” mentioned in the promo for the finale, but that would make little sense given that neither Harry nor Doris have any alien connections at all. Could you argue that the Black Pill contains some sort of alien element that allowed the baby to be produced with such DNA? Sure, but the baby was also conceived prior to the two ever arriving in Provincetown. All of this would be a HARD sell.
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This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.