The Blacklist season 9 promo: Beyond Reddington, who appears?
If you’ve watched the video on a number of different occasions already, the first thing that likely stands out is James Spader’s appearance. What gives with that? We’ve talked over a few different things on that in a separate piece already, and you can take a look at that over here. For the sake of this article, we want to focus mostly on the characters around Reddington.
New The Blacklist video! Check out some of our thoughts on the promo and what it could be setting up below. After you do just that, be sure to also SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube; there are more updates ahead and of course, we don’t want you missing any of them throughout the season.
So what is going on with the remainder of the Task Force? We know from some early synopses for the season that the unit has disbanded — if nothing else, they don’t exist in the way they once did. When you look at Ressler’s beard in the promo, or Harold Cooper wearing an outfit that is not his trademark suit and tie (he turns up in the video, albeit briefly), you can see that the two are in a very different place than we once saw. You also see Agent Park in here briefly, chasing down a target — she seems to be the one former Task Force member who is doing something close to what she once did.
With all of this spelled out, there is one character clearly missing: Aram. Does this mean that he is the person injured in the premiere? (We know that someone is hurt in the line of duty, which is why Ressler goes to Reddington in the first place.) We wouldn’t guarantee anything, given that this preview is so short. Nonetheless, we are hoping for more great Aram content and sooner rather than later.
What do you want to see happen for the entire cast entering The Blacklist season 9?
Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, stick around — there are some other updates ahead and of course, we don’t want you missing any of them. (Photo: NBC.)