Cobra Kai season 4: Filming, premiere date hopes, and more expectations

Cobra Kai season 3

It’s okay to want Cobra Kai season 4 on Netflix ASAP — that puts you in the same boat as the vast majority of other people.

Unfortunately, you are going to be waiting for a good while still. Netflix has not announced a premiere date for the new season yet, nor have they released too many details other than that Terry Silver will be a big part of the story. We feel like we’ll be waiting for either the end of this year/early 2022 to get a sense of what lies ahead for some of these characters.

Now that we’ve said all of that, how about a silver lining? We know that filming is already done! Production happened for a good chunk of the first half of the year, and now, we just have to rock back and forth with anticipation. We imagine that at some point this fall, Netflix will start sharing a little bit more about the upcoming season — they almost have to!

Did you know we’re going to be covering season 4 on YouTube? You better SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess now — otherwise, you run the risk of missing out!

Much like the original Karate Kid and also many of its characters, Cobra Kai has been a fun underdog story in its own right. The first two seasons were a part of YouTube’s premium service, back when they were really trying to develop scripted content. They got somewhat of an audience there due to the Karate Kid name, but moving over to Netflix was a game-changer. Instead of asking consumers to acquire another product for the sake of watching one show, this show was already there! Viewership has increased exponentially and with season 4 being made exclusively for the streaming service, we imagine already that we’re getting something bigger and bolder than ever.

We also don’t want to speculate too much more on what the future will hold — we’re all kinda better off that way.

What do you most want to see when it comes to Cobra Kai season 4?

Be sure to share all of your hopes and expectations now in the comments! Once you do that, remember to keep coming back to ensure you don’t miss any other news. (Photo: Netflix.)

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