Magnum PI season 3 spotlight: The future of Juliet Higgins

Magnum PI season 3

The wait for Magnum PI season 3 is still set to be a long one. While the series is currently a part of the CBS fall schedule, there’s no guarantee as to when it will air. We’re just left with a lot to think about when it comes to all of these different characters, with Juliet Higgins being one of the best.

Over the past two seasons, we’ve come to think of Perdita Weeks’ character as one of the best parts of the series. She’s quick-witted, more than capable of delivering in high-pressure moments, and she provides plenty of humor in her scenes with Magnum (Jay Hernandez). So what could the future hold for the character now? We do come bearing some suggestions…

1. Explore more of her training – One of Higgins’ biggest strengths is that she does come with a certain MI6 background that makes her effective at things no one else within the team can really do. She excels at both tech and field world, so why not find a way to throw challenges at her to utilize both of these skills.

2. Higgins as a boss – Her position at the Robin’s Nest is very much connected to her being in this country, so what sort of exciting stuff could we end up seeing because of it? We’d love to see her as a taskmaster, but also having a little bit of fun with the gig … sometimes at Magnum’s expense.

3. Hint around at her love life more – We’re not necessarily saying that she and Magnum need to be together, but we do think one of the reasons why she didn’t want to marry Thomas was because he would inevitably get too attached to the idea. Why not explore at least the possibility of feelings — and if not with Magnum, why not look somewhere else?

4. Have her own new Big Bad – We know that a certain part of the show’s mythology is centered around Magnum, Rick, and TC. There could definitely be something fun that comes from seeing a character from another part of her world surface to cause some trouble.

5. Undercover Higgins – We know that this is a suggestion that could be made for almost any character, but we do think that there’s something especially fun about seeing her and Magnum trying to pretend to be other people while out in the field together.

What do you most want to see when it comes to Higgins’ story on Magnum PI season 3?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Meanwhile, remember to stick around in the event you want some other news on the series. (Photo: CBS.)

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