‘Homeland’ season 2 spoilers: Carrie + Brody = paranoia
It’s bad enough on a show like “Homeland” to have Carrie and Brody at odds with each other; with that in mind, how in the world are these two going to find a way to work together? There are a number of reasons why we are looking so much forward to Sunday night’s new episode, but the guessing game that is coming up now has to be somewhere near the top of the list.
According to TV Guide, there is of course going to be the issue of whether or not Brody can be trusted that is coming up; even this, there is another key question that many people are forgetting to ask. Even if Brody is telling the truth, will anyone believe him? This man has become well-known for his lies at this point that they blend in with the truth, especially when you consider that this guy at the end of the day is a very good liar. (You’d have to be in order to get away with some of the stuff that he has.)
By the end of this episode, it does look like there is going to be another major shocker heading our way. How much so? All we can say for the time being is that Brody is going to do something that will likely give everyone a good reason to be worried, and we already know from the preview that he could end up warning one of his old Abu Nazir contacts about what he is up to. (Did you really think capturing the top terrorist in the world would really be this easy?)
What do you think is going to happen now that Brody is “working” with the CIA on the show?