Designated Survivor season 4 renewal hopes: Timing is on its side

Sometimes, you don’t need to look very far in determining why a show needs to be brought back for another season. Designated Survivor may not have a season 4 just yet, but if Netflix follows the headlines, it’s worthy of consideration and then some.

Election years. They are a time in which the news cycle is dominated by political headlines more so than any other point. It’s been more than just domination this time around; it’s a near-constant tidal wave. You can’t go anywhere without seeing a storyline regarding either the debates, the Presidential Election, or the Administration itself. This is one of the most politically-charged eras of our entire lifetime and it’s hard to imagine that changing between now and the summer of 2020.

This is where we pose the following, all-important question: Why wouldn’t Netflix was a show like Designated Survivor on in an election year? While there wouldn’t be an election storyline (the series literally just had one) a renewal would allow the show a golden opportunity to take on some of the issues that are present during the present-day election cycle. Think about everything from equal rights to healthcare, immigration, and foreign policy. Think about showing Congressional investigations and hearings and some of the stuff you see all over cable news. There’s an endless amount of material, just as there is an endless amount of ambition on the show’s writing staff.

For some more video thoughts on Designated Survivor season 3, watch our video review below! Once you do that, subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for more and also take a look at our show playlist.

Through season 3, what we saw on Designated Survivor was a new-found willingness to take the bull by the horns. This was the most topical season of the series we’ve had by a mile as there was a boldness to take on major issues actually impacting Americans today. Some decisions were controversial, but hey, so are politics! That was kind of the intention. If a show like this doesn’t anger someone out there, it’s probably not being done correctly.

It’s with this thinking in mind that Netflix would be foolish to not, at least, hear a pitch for a season 4. They may opt to go in a different direction, but there is still reason to hear what the creative team has to say, provided of course that the performance of season 3 is good enough for it to be in the discussion. (There’s very little way in which to know that in advance, since Netflix doesn’t release the numbers.) If Designated Survivor season 4 happens, it could be the political show we need at a time that is more political than perhaps any other to date.

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