American Horror Story: Apocalypse episode 5 preview; Hotel connections
Could Cordelia be eradicated from this world? It feels like something to be worried about, among of course a number of other things as we start to press onward. This season is quickly establishing itself as one that can turn on a dime, not that we should be surprised given the sheer number of characters. The ambitious nature of it leads to many clashes, plus also an inherent need to occasionally thin the herd in order to tighten up some of the stories.
For those of you who love Stevie Nicks, the super-great news here seems to be that the singer seems to be turning up in the upcoming episode. We don’t want to buy too much into promos with this show, but we’ll take it at its word … at least for now.
What is also exciting moving into episode 5 is the potential for there to be even more crossovers within the American Horror Story world beyond just Murder House and Coven. In some ways, it was foolish to just assume that those two would be the only ones! Yet, on Wednesday night’s new episode Hotel entered the fray because of the Queenie storyline. While we will be the last person to bestow some sort of compliment on season 5 (our personal least favorite), this was integrated in a way that really implemented heavily the element of surprise.
Wouldn’t it be great to see in some way Asylum, Freak Show, or even our personal favorite recent season in Roanoke mentioned? Depending on how they are used, it could prove to be rather awesome … but we’d also rather ignore them than one of them be shoehorned in just for the heck of it. As we’ve probably established already in this preview, there is clearly a whole lot of American Horror Story content happening here as it is.
Related – Check out some of the recent news on the series’ ratings!
What do you think is going to happen when it comes to American Horror Story: Apocalypse episode 5? Share right away in the attached comments! (Photo: FX.)