The Big Bang Theory season 11 episode 17 review: What is the date of Sheldon, Amy’s wedding?

The Big Bang TheoryAnyone out there missing Kripke as much as we have been? The Big Bang Theory has always had a lot of really smart and funny guest spots, but John Ross Bowie is always at the top of our list. Sheldon has a lot of different nemesis on this show, but Kripke is a true original and tonight he’s back!

Who wants to be a stay at home parent?

Howard and Bernadette are off enjoying family time with their new son and after spending so much time with their kids, Howard is starting to feel that maybe he or Bernadette should stay home full time and he’s thinking it should be him. When he brings it up, they both start to think they should be the one to stay home. Once Howard has a day to himself with the kids he realizes that it’s harder to do this on his own than he thought and had to call Raj for help, and Bernadette realizes how much she missed work after all.

The wedding date

Amy and Sheldon have finally picked a wedding date! It’s May 12th and at first we were hoping that May 12th actually fell on a Thursday this year and that the show was announcing the real date of Sheldon and Amy’s wedding for all the viewers – unfortunately that was just some CarterMatt wishful thinking. That being said, Amy said that they have to get a location locked down in the next two months (which is actually when May is), so we are back on the boat where we think this wedding is actually gong to happen during sweeps.

The wedding venue complication

When they find a venue that they like Amy and Sheldon go to check it out, but when they get there they see that Leonard is a member of this place and lied to Sheldon about it… and Kripke is also a member. Amy calls to book the venue anyways and learns that someone booked their date and that person is Kripke. Sheldon asks Kripke to move his birthday party to another venue, but Kripke being who he is doesn’t want to move his party and doesn’t want to help Sheldon. Win -win Kripke.

After feeling bad about lying to Sheldon about being a member at the venue, he tries to work his magic with Kripke to give up the date at the venue for their wedding. To get him to give up the venue for Sheldon, Kripke makes him clean out his equipment to make it happen… also Kripke has to come to the wedding, be allowed to bring a date and sing at the wedding. Amy is not thrilled with this deal and has them look at other venues, which we completely understand.

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CarterMatt verdict

We’ve said it before and we will say it again – we love episodes with Kripke in them. He’s such a perfect foil for Sheldon and even though it was Sheldon’s wedding that he was causing problems with (something we are really excited for), Jim Parsons and John Ross Bowie have such great chemistry together we could watch them spend a whole episode fighting over a phone book and love every minute of it.

What did you think of tonight’s episode of The Big Bang Theory and what was your favorite scene? Leave us a comment with your thoughts in the box below.

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