Chicago Med season 2, episode 16 review: April’s recovery; Rhodes, Latham bond

What do you do when you’re starting to give up hope? Chicago Med season 2 episode 16 was an episode that asked some tough questions, and it also put April and Dr. Ethan Choi in an almost-impossible situation. They had to figure out how to help a woman who found herself heavily involved in the drug trade, and in one of the worst possible ways. Basically, they had to figure out a way to properly remove the cocaine from her system, and this was not an easy thing for them to handle. Letting the woman go and disposing of the drugs would be a crime … but it’d almost be a victimless one.

While it was a severe violation, Choi and April eventually decided that they would decide to help … but they weren’t exactly alone. Eventually, they did have a conversation with Goodwin; Choi was the person who was the most hesitant to do it, and even when he relented, he was still not thrilled that he was put in that position in the first place.

For April, we do feel like a big part of the reason she wanted to help was because of what she’s went through with her own baby. This patient was a mother who was trying to help her daughter, and in April’s mind, she related to it and would’ve done the same thing if she had a chance to help her own child.

Now, let’s take a look elsewhere in the hospital…

Reese, Charles get on the same page

The two parties tonight worked on the case of a young woman who may or may now be sane. In reality, what they realized was that she may not have been anywhere near as insane as she thought. She was in a precarious position, and under the care of people who were mistreating and not classifying her case properly.

The coma case

When is a coma not a coma? This is a question that Natalie had to figure out over the course of the hour, and it was an incredibly painful one as she determined that a patient was not actually in a coma as her parents first feared. Instead, they learned that she had been paralyzed the entire time, and they just didn’t know about it.

A Dr. Latham surprise

After undergoing treatments to improve his social skills, he ultimately opted to suspend them for the time being after he struggled during a surgery because he started to understand further that he was operating on a person. He felt pressure in a way the he hadn’t before.

Also, Latham yet again gave us the moment of the episode when he told a joke. We’re all for the Dr. Latham comedy hour!


While we do think Chicago Med season 2 episode 16 did not deliver much in terms of significant character updates, it was still compelling, fascinating drama that does what it does better than most other medical shows out there. Grade: B.

What’s ahead on Chicago Med season 2, episode 17

We wish we had better news. However, the promo and other details regarding what lies ahead makes it clear that there is going to be a significant death coming up. The next episode is entitled “Monday Mourning,” and there is a reason why you should worry.

What did you think about Chicago Med season 2, episode 16; do you have a personal review? Share in the comments below!

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