‘The Amazing Race 28’ episode 4 preview: Drama in Geneva

Brittany -Let us start this “Amazing Race” article with what excited us the most about Friday night’s new episode: Geneva. That’s not a place that has been overly visited by the show, and we know that it just so happens to be one of the most positively-reviewed cities in the entirely world. Sure, it’s not a cheap place to live, but based on everything we hear it seems to be worth it and then some.

Now, let’s talk about some of the groan-inducing facets of the preview below. First and foremost, the continued effort to remind us that these contestants are FAMOUS. Yes, producers, we get it: They have a ton of followers. We’d just rather get to know them better as people than have constant reminders of how popular they are over the course of the race. There’s plenty of evidence of that on social media as it is.

As for the rest of the preview, the show is really trying to get some mileage on a Blair + Brodie showmance, which to be fair is something that doesn’t really happen all that much on this show since people have different partners and have to worry a lot about themselves. Also, you do have to remember here that the show could be blowing this out of proportion just because they’re aware it will get a lot of attention.

The clip ends with a self-described “model meltdown,” as we bear witness to Brittany & Jessica struggling when it comes to trying to figure out some sort of task that nobody wants to really help them with. This all makes sense. First and foremost, this is a race; also, they’ve shown themselves now to be rather strong competitors. Who wants to continue to go up against people who can beat them?

If you’re curious in getting some other news on “The Amazing Race,” head over here to get our most-recent episode review! Also, race to this link to secure some further TV news on everything we cover, sent right to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)


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