‘The Amazing Race 28’ preview: Scott & Blair Fowler fling around fish
The premiere of “The Amazing Race 28” this past week was not a great one for Blair Fowler and her father Scott. While they got off to a decent star, the YouTube star’s dad struggled mightily putting together a mask puzzle during the Roadblock, and as a result of that, they finished last. It’s only thanks to the first leg being a non-elimination one that they are still in the Race. (Also, we think that they have the theme of the season to thank for that; CBS probably did not want to lose any of their big personalities too early on in this process.)
Can these two recover from this? We think so, since in actuality they are pretty well-equipped to deal with a wide array of different things. For example, Blair is more artsy and probably would do well at more performance-based tasks, while her father may have knowledge of more practical things. Take, for example, gutting a fish. His knowledge of that may help the two of them in the sneak peek below get a lead on some other teams, which is big since there is probably a Speed Bump coming up for them.
Ultimately, we do think that Scott & Blair have some struggles coming in that they’re not the fastest team on the season, but Scott’s life experience in particular could be an asset given that there are not too many other older men on this season. We’ll get a chance to see more of that potentially as the show goes on.
Want to get some further news on “The Amazing Race” right now? If you head over here, you can check out our review right away of the premiere episode!
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