‘The Amazing Race 23’ review: Marie learns to hard-boil an egg
There have been so many great episodes of “The Amazing Race 23” over the course of this much-improved 23rd season, but we had yet another gem here tonight with one that involved everything from nasty food, traditional makeup, frustration, and an opportunity to see us laugh at someone being so sheltered that they did not know how to hard-boil an egg.
This was not the best leg of all time for Tim & Marie, who had the terrible challenge time around of trying to find a way to properly boil an egg. Marie may be one of the most entertaining people ever on the race, mostly because she is this sort of angry / terrifying woman who Tim is even afraid of, but still somehow lacks any cooking ability and also has a gigantic fear of eating meat … let alone the snake meat that they had to devour here. But even in spite of starting the eggs before the other teams, Marie actually finished it faster than anyone and got her and Tim back in the race. Heck, they cam in second place behind Jason & Amy thanks to their supreme makeup talents (ironic, since makeup is also something Marie has no experience in, so she says).
This entire leg for all of the teams through Indonesia was mostly sparked by the great personalities, and the conflict that is there with all of the groups. The only team to struggle more than all of the others was the Afghanimals, mostly because of their inability to just check everywhere during what was a pretty epic Detour challenge. It was smart for them to avoid the makeup, but they should have never even considered switching. Had they done that, they may have avoid being … given a Speed Bump. We knew that this was not going to be an elimination leg, but the last thing Leo & Jamal needed was another hindrance. They make enough mistakes as it is.
This somehow managed to be that rare example of an episode of “The Amazing Race” that shined through the fact that nothing really happened during it. There were still some great moments that transpired, including bad decisions and the site of Travis with a full set of makeup. all in all, we couldn’t be happier. Grade: A-.
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Photo: CBS