‘Survivor: Blood vs. Water’ episode 3 review: Colton Cumbie quits, Jeff Probst is boss
Tonight is shaping up to what could be a double elimination on “Survivor: Blood vs. Water” as there have been rumors of someone quitting, as well as whoever goes home from Redemption Island.
Redemption Island: Tyson sees that Rachel was voted out and she will be playing against Candice and Marissa. He quickly realized that Rachel was voted out to try and get Tyson to switch places and get him out to weaken the tribe. Rachel tells him not to switch and it turns into a squabble as Tyson fights with Culpepper and then Marissa tells Culpepper off.
Before we got to the challenge Colton had a complete meltdown and said he wants to quit. If you have been reading this sit for a while then you know how we feel about people who quit. If you say you’re going to quit, then that should be it, go home. Did he end up staying? Nope he left the game, because things were just not going his way. Jeff Probst called him out on being a quitter the first time and now he’s a quitter again, sending him to go huddle up with his fiance Caleb in tears before leaving his tribe down a member.
As for the Redemption Island challenge, it was a domino stacking game and Candice won her second duel, giving her another advantage to give to John for an immunity idol. Who ended up going home along with Colton? Rachel lost and Tyson loses his girl.
Damage control: Culpepper is worried that being called out at Redemption Island by Tyson and Marissa may have blown his cover as being a kingpin leader of his alliance, so he did a little damage control. John was also doing some damage control with his alliance now that he has two immunity idol clues and decides to share it with Culpepper to show he can be trusted.
Immunity (comfort) challenge: This is a physical challenge where you square off one on one to knock an opponent off the platform into the water. first team to five wins. When Hayden went up against Tyson we thought Tyson had this in the bag, but when Hayden sent Tyson flying into the water it was obvious that he had hurt his shoulder badly. Tyson’s not out of the game, but can’t compete in the challenge a second time if needed. So which tribe won? The veterans won again and the family members are in trouble once again.
Guys alliance: They want to send Ciera out since Katie is cooking and helping around camp, but Culpepper is worried about John, because Candice is killing it at Redemption Island and when they merge it will be a problem. Hayden is worried that by Culpepper bringing up the idea of blindsiding John that it will create distrust in the alliance and he wants to get out Culpepper.
So was there a big blindside tonight on the tribe or was yet another girl sent to Redemption Island? The guys decided to go with Culpepper’s plan and they kicked off John to join Candice and Marissa in a chance to get back in the game.
Were you surprised to see Colton quit tonight, or are you just happy that he’s gone? If you are looking for more “Survivor: Blood vs. Water” news, just click here and we’ll be your source for previews, reviews and scoop all season long.
Photo: CBS