Top Chef season 22 episode 4 spoilers: Michael Cera & Jeopardy

Top Chef season 22
Photo: Bravo

Next week on Bravo, you are going to have a chance to see Top Chef season 22 episode 4 — and that includes special guests!

Based on the promo that you saw at the conclusion of tonight’s new episode, you are going to see first and foremost the presence of Michael Cera — which of course excites us in many ways. He also is someone very-much tied to the show’s setting this season in Canada. Not only was he born in Toronto suburb Brampton, but he also starred in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, an iconic movie set in the city. There are a ton of people out there who are so used to Toronto being used a double for New York or somewhere else; in this film, though, it had a chance to be seen in all its glory.

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So what exactly will Cera be doing in this Top Chef episode? Well, there are a few different roles that he may end up taking on here. For starters, he seems to be joining some iconic names from Jeopardy! for a Quickfire Challenge that could end up having trivia at the center of it. From there, he may also be sticking around for the Elimination Challenge.

Because only three episodes have aired so far this season, it feels really foolish to be able to sit here and say that any one contestant is a favorite. However, at the same time Katianna had a pretty dominant performance tonight! She excelled in not just the Quickfire but the latter challenge as well, giving her immunity coming up from elimination. (We’re thrilled for her, but we still hate the format change where winning a Quickfire now seems relatively useless and disconnected from what happens later on in the episode. Why do that?)

What do you most want to see moving into Top Chef season 22 episode 4?

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