Deal or No Deal Island season 2 episode 10: Parvati vs. David?

As we get ourselves fully braced to see Deal or No Deal Island season 2 episode 10, is the Parvati / David showdown here? We have, after all, seen the two in lockstep the entirety of the season.
However, here is the thing now: There are only five people left, and the players are facing a double elimination. The two are clearly the most dangerous people left in the game; everyone knows Parvati is a threat, whereas she is the only one who clearly knows David is. She hasn’t told anyone his secret seemingly, and she’s starting to realize that this may be the time to strike against him.
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Is she actually going to make that happen? Well, it’s difficult, given that Deal or No Deal Island is a game that is based so much on luck. Parvati could play the Banker and get herself eliminated, or David may just end up getting support from someone else due to her threat level. This is a precarious position that she’s in.
Regardless of what happens moving into the next episode, though, we will at least give her a ton of praise for managing to past this long in the first place without really being in danger. She was the known threat coming in, even if not everyone knew who she was!
Do the two have any allies left?
Hardly. Remember that Lete just got rid of Parvati and David’s closest ally in Dickson. Meanwhile, CK has flipped multiple times already and Phillip had that big emotional conversation with Parvati earlier this season, one where he accused her of weaponing his past to further along her own game. They really have no one else to rely on at this point.
Related – Be sure to get more thoughts on the next Deal or No Deal Island episode
Do you think that Parvati, David, or both could be eliminated on Deal or No Deal Island next week?
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