Upload season 4 premiere date: A December 2024 update

Is there a chance that more news on Upload season 4 is going to surface between now and the end of December?
Well, the first thing that we should go ahead and note here is that filming for the final chapter of the Prime Video comedy has actually been wrapped for a good while now — think several weeks. That means that in theory, a lot of the post-production people are working to ensure that all of the installments are put-together perfectly and ready to air.
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Now, here is where we do have to remind you that post-production for this show in particular is different than a lot of other comedies. Remember that there are a lot of visual effects with Upload so it won’t be back immediately. It is why the chances of a premiere-date announcement for the rest of the month are pretty much slim to none, and some patience could be required instead.
For now, it is our hope that by the summer, we’ll have a much better sense of what is happening here with Robbie Amell and the rest of the cast — heck, the series could be on by then! We know that season 3 ended with a huge cliffhanger where it seems as though one Nathan Brown is about to get excised from existence, meaning that either Nora or Ingrid could be heartbroken.
What do we think is going to happen? Well, let’s just put it like this: We tend to believe that the more exciting storyline for season 4 would be Ingrid realizing that she needs to move forward from Nathan and find her own path with love. We feel for that character so much, and she’s been one of the most exciting revelations to come out of the first three seasons.
What do you most want to see entering the premiere of Upload season 4?
Have any big predictions? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are some more updates coming and of course, we don’t want you missing them.