Survivor 47 episode 3: Aysha Welch voted out at Lavo

Survivor 47
Photo: CBS

We entered Survivor 47 episode 3 hoping that we would have a better chance to learn more about the Lavo tribe. They were the only group tonight that had not been to Tribal Council, and a lot of their screen time had been dominated by Rome.

Well, Rome still dominated the episode from start to finish, which makes sense given that he does have some serious main-character energy. We honestly don’t mind it just because Survivor needs big personalities, and absolutely he does fit that bill. Hilariously, nobody could get rid of Rome even if they wanted to, as he had a hidden immunity idol that expires at tonight’s Tribal. He had to play it, and he also has a Steal-A-Vote that he got from his journey. He has all the power, and the likes of Genevieve, Kishan, and Teeny are with him for now. Rome is many things, but he is loyal.

Here is where things get a little bit tricky: The four wanted to loop in Aysha so that they could target Sol and get him out of the game. She didn’t want that. Instead, she wanted to target Genevieve. Sol acted a little more amenable to getting rid of Aysha, though he didn’t buy much of what Rome told him for a second.

This entire Tribal was interestingly mostly in that because of Rome’s idol, a lot of the possibly gameplay was paused for now. It really came down to just two players since it was too early to cross Rome, and Kishan and Teeny understandably want to play safe.

What was the final decision?

We’re not going to claim that this was some incredible Tribal Council; it is hard when there are only a couple of targets. Oddly, there were votes that flew all over the place, but Aysha Welch was the first person taken out of this tribe.

Related What lies ahead on the next Survivor?

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