Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: What is Leah’s plan?

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

How can you best describe the gameplay that we’ve seen within the Big Brother 26 house this week? Well, consider this: Frustrating. Because of the fact that everyone is stuck outside as a result of this Jankie Week twist, this is a situation where not a lot in the way of serious game-talk can happen without everyone knowing about it. This leads to a lot of people being hesitant to do much of anything — and this is precisely where things are right now.

Here’s one small update we got from earlier today: Leah got the Jankie Veto for finishing in second place behind Angela in the competition. As a result of that, she can apparently elect to compete in something to activate it. However, in order to do this, she must decide before Angela plays her Veto. If the two have discussed this so far, it has not happened on the feeds.

Leah is promising to do one-on-ones today and yet, it has to happen. Nobody is going to be upset about this, largely due to the fact that this is the sort of thing that is only fair to Kimo and Rubina, who are currently on the block. We don’t necessarily think that Leah is 100% closed off to ideas as to what to do, but she will need assurances about it.

Whatever Leah decides to do, odds are you are going to be seeing her and Angela figure it out together. They both realize that playing conservatively won’t win them the game, but will they realize that Chelsie is the best player and it is wise to get rid of her now? That is the question, mostly because she is so persuasive and may be able to protect herself. Even if just one of the Vetoes is played, something more can happen.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Big Brother 26, including other discussion from this morning

What do you think we are going to see on the Big Brother 26 live feeds the rest of the day?

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