Bad Monkey season 1 episode 5 spoilers: Yancy in hiding

Bad Monkey season 1
Photo: Apple TV+

Next week on Bad Monkey season 1 episode 5, we are going to make it to a crucial part in the story! After all, the end of this episode is the halfway point of the season! Things are going to become all the more insane from here on out as some pieces start to get together.

Unfortunately, for Yancy, we can’t exactly say that he is going to be in the best spot to help. How much can he really do when he is forced to hide out? Well, we could be finding out here in due time…

Below, you can check out the full Bad Monkey season 1 episode 5 synopsis with more insight on what lies ahead:

Yancy makes a crucial realization as he goes into hiding. The Dragon Queen asks Egg about Neville.

This show is not exactly in the business of handing out a ton of advance info on their episodes these days but at the same time, they don’t really need to. What would the motivation be for that? They must realize at this point that the series is successful enough on its own that there is not a whole lot that has to be done in order to sell it further — and also, that this is okay.

As we do move through the rest of the story here for Bad Monkey, we are honestly just intrigued by the notion of what the long-term future here could hold. Yancy does appear in at least one other story beyond this one, but would the writers come up with something more? We do believe this show is going to have a beginning, middle, and end but based on how well it is seemingly performing at this point for Apple, we tend to believe that there is going to be an open door when it comes to producing more at some point.

What are you the most interested in seeing as we prepare for Bad Monkey season 1 episode 5?

Go ahead and let us know in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are other updates on the way.

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