Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: A women’s alliance? More chaos

We had a feeling that things were going to be a whole mess on the Big Brother 26 live feeds following the Veto Ceremony … but did we want this?
Well, let’s just say that the bulk of the afternoon / early evening has been rocky, really ever since T’kor decided to nominate Angela as the replacement nominee. (Cam took himself on the block.) Angela, Tucker, and Makensy are now on the block, meaning that 6th Avenue is effectively dead — not that T’kor really ever wanted Angela to be a part of it anyway.
Here is what else we can say about where things stand right now. Tucker actually does appear to be safe; while he was really upset that Angela was nominated over Leah (even with Angela throwing him under the bus and saying she wanted him out), this is probably a good thing for his survival. He had more incentive to keep Angela around than anyone and she ruined that. There’s even a chance that Makensy stays over her, but we’ll take more of a wait-and-see approach on that since she doesn’t exactly have a ton of allies, either.
Angela and Makensy have both tried to have some early chats the past few hours, but little of it has gone well. Makensy remains high-key delusional, thinking that the guys may have a secret alliance while also claiming that Tucker is intimidated by her. (What?) Meanwhile, Angela is trying to tread water and recognizes that she’s in a really perilous spot now. (She also still blames Quinn.)
As for Tucker, he’s still moping around — we do think he’ll cool down from wanting to leave the game, but he is still in his feelings that Angela stabbed him in the back. He and T’kor had a long discussion that included plenty of hugs, and Kimo actually seems as annoyed for Tucker’s situation with her as Tucker is himself.
A women’s alliance?
Well, let’s just say that there have been talks between T’kor and Rubina about it — but not including Angela. Just in case you needed a reminder that Tucker is okay, Joseph, Rubina, and others have said that they don’t want to lose him.
Related – Get more news on the Big Brother 26 live feeds right now
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