Evil season 4 episode 14 (series finale) promo: The countdown

Are you ready to see Evil season 4 episode 14 on Paramount+ later this week? At this point, we’re not sure that we are! This is the series finale, at least for the time being, and there is a chance that the story is going to bring about a ton of closure on a number of different subjects.
For the time being, though, the primary question that we’re left to wonder is simply this: Is there going to be a chance to see Kristen actually survive? There is an ominous countdown that is front and center in a new preview over here, and it also tends to suggest that some sort of potentially-violent showdown between her and Leland is imminent. It has been in a lot of ways a long time coming, and it’s always felt like Michael Emerson’s character would have to die in order for her to have peace.
Aside from this showdown, it seems as though Kristen’s daughters are going to be very-much involved in a story that involves virtual reality; meanwhile, Sister Andrea is ready to take on villains one more time. This feels like one of those episodes that is going to lay almost everything out on the table, and we’ll just have to wait and see what is actually there when the dust finally settles. Let’s just say that we are personally ready for chaos; all things considered, how in the world can we not be?
If there is one more thing that we’ll note here, it is that if you love the show, continue to watch or stream it! We do hope that eventually it can find another home, but that only happens in the event that the audience does continue to grow.
Related – Get some more thoughts on Evil heading into the final episode of the series
What are you most wanting to see moving into the Evil series finale? How do you think the story is going to end?
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