Big Brother 26 spoilers: New clues on the theme?

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

The Big Brother 26 premiere is basically just a week and a half away! It has been a long time to make it to this point, but at least we’re starting to get a few little teases for what the future could hold.

Now, the first thing that we should go ahead and note here is simple: CBS isn’t ready to give away the cast. We’d be shocked if they do that until a few days before the January 17 premiere! For the time being, we’ll happily settle for a few assorted teases about the theme, especially since they do bring us a certain amount of understanding about what the producers are working to actively set up.

If you head over to the Instagram now for host Julie Chen Moonves, you can see a couple of images — one of them is of some sort of ornamental cat that will be in one of the rooms, whereas the other appears to be some sort of high-tech hallway. The two honestly don’t feel like they have that much in common with each other. Yet, we have seen the cat before and it makes us wonder if it is more about some sort of disco-esque lamp in the background.

Ever since the we first saw the new BB26 key art above, our sentiment was that we could be getting some sort of AI theme for this season. Until we hear otherwise, we are going to continue to move forward thinking that this is what we’re getting. It is something that is on the cusp of what people are talking about in 2024, and it is easy for producers to weave in different competitions based on that.

Of course, if you’re a superfan you already know that this stuff has almost zero bearing on anything in the game. It’s more about what the players choose to do with what’s presented.

What do you mot want to see moving into the Big Brother 26 premiere?

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