Doctor Who season 14 episode 5 promo: Trouble in Finetime

If there is certainly one thing that we can say at present entering Doctor Who season 14 episode 5 next week, it is simply this: The show is getting, somehow, even more ambitious!
We do tend to think personally that the events of “73 Yards” are going to lead to various thoughts and theories for quite some time and honestly, that’s okay. Isn’t this what Russell T. Davies wants? There are so many things about this season that don’t make sense as of yet, whether it be the same performer taking on multiple roles, a certain woman named Flood, the threat of The One Who Waits, or even the snow motif that keeps turning up. Strange things are happening.
Are some of the strange things tied to Ruby Sunday? Sure, and we do think that the mystery of her parentage could loom large before the end of the season — but that does not mean that we’re there as of yet.
Instead, let’s shift the focus for a moment here over to Finetime, which seems to be the setting for episode 5 — a story that feels almost like it is taking a nod from Black Mirror. After all, you have the presence of some sort of social-media app, plus also monsters hiding in plain sight. While episode 4 took more of a folksy approach to its story, we are now moving straight into some sort of tech thriller. This is what makes Doctor Who so great — it can jump between so many genres within a short period of time!
Given that we are (unfortunately) already at the halfway point of the season, we do tend to think that we’re going to be seeing more answers coming your way sooner rather than later — but also perhaps new questions for season 15! After all, Davies seems to have devised his whole story right now as a two-season arc.
Related – Be sure to get some more details on Doctor Who season 14 episode 5 now
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