Is Miss Scarlet and the Duke new tonight on PBS, 2/18/24?

Is Miss Scarlet and the Duke new tonight on PBS? This is a show that has been a total blast to watch the past few weeks. Also, it is certainly left us wanting more. Are we going to see more of Eliza and William? Heck, are we going to be seeing more of William at all?
Well, we don’t have any real desire to 1) keep you waiting or 2) string things along. With that in mind, let’s go ahead and make the bad news clear: There is no new episode of the period drama on the air tonight, and there won’t be for quite some time moving forward. Why is that? It is rather simple, as we are now on the other side of the finale!
Ultimately, what we are looking at now is a waiting game here on a number of fronts, with one of the biggest ones being a wait to see if the show comes back. At the moment, we are at least cautiously optimistic about that. This show seems to be popular virtually wherever it airs, and we know already that it is the sort that has almost unlimited potential. Our hope is that a season 5 is going to be announced within the next few weeks and thanks to that, we have a chance to see some more episodes stateside in early 2025.
Now that we’ve laid all of that out there, let’s also make our wishlist pretty darn simple: We want to see more of William and beyond that, more of him and Eliza together! Even if they continue to act on their feelings, we don’t think that this somehow precludes the show from doing anything else that it has over the past few seasons.
For now, all we can do is cross our fingers — while also recommending the series to as many friends as possible.
What do you most want to see moving into the future of Miss Scarlet and the Duke?
Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are some other updates down the road.