Shark Tank: Genius Litter, Torch bodysuits, Modern Picnic, AU Baby

Tonight on Shark Tank, you are going to have a chance to see Genius Litter, Torch bodysuits, Modern Picnic, and AU Baby. So what can we say about them now?
This article should serve as a brief guide to who you are going to see on the series tonight but before getting into that further, here is the official synopsis:
Entrepreneurs present business ideas including kitty litter that signals health issues, a chic lunch box, high-performance baby blankets and bodysuits designed for women in uniform. Good American CEO and Co-Founder Emma Grede returns as guest Shark.
Now, why not look further at the companies and products themselves?
Genius Litter – Can cat litter actually help you track the health of your pet? That is one of the whole ideas at the center of this company, which has a color-changing formula whenever there are abnormalities detected in the cat’s urine.
Modern Picnic – What if your tote bag was also a stylish lunch box? That seems to be the central idea here. These are stylish and chic bags that come in a wide range of styles, and also provide perfect insulation and compartments to store your food.
AU Baby – There have been a lot of baby products on Shark Tank over the years — so what makes this one stand out? The simple answer is that these baby blankets are designed specifically for infants, while also being sustainable and eco-conscious.
Torch – Designed to be “bodysuits for women warriors,” this is a line of products that are meant to be both stylish and functional, and able to be worn during the most rigorous of activities.
Of the group, they all do seem to fulfill a simple purpose. On paper, we could say that Genius Litter is the most genius (pun intended), but we have seen this show enough over the years to know how many different aspects go into getting a deal.
What do you want to see from Genius Litter, Torch bodysuits, Modern Picnic, and AU Baby on Shark Tank tonight?
Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back for more.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.