Shark Tank: Shroomacon, Jay’s Pet Butter, Mama Sing My Song, BarBees

Tonight on Shark Tank you are going to have a chance to see Shroomacon, Jay’s Pet Butter, Mama Sing My Song, and BarBees come into the Tank. Who is going to leave with a deal? We’re sure that at least one of them will, but there’s sure to be some ambiguity here. Isn’t that the point?
Well, before we get to all of the individual products, why not start things off here as we often do? Go ahead and check out the full synopsis below:
FRIDAY, JAN. 26 8:00-9:01 p.m. EDT – Shark Tank: “1508” (1508) Logline: Recurring guest Shark and KIND Snacks founder Daniel Lubetzky returns to the Tank as entrepreneurs present vegan mushroom bacon, mobile cocktail classes, healthy peanut butter for dogs and huggable plush toys that play custom songs for children. (TV-PG, L) Watch episodes on demand and on Hulu the day following their premieres.
Now, let’s get on to some of the actual products here…
Shroomacon – This is a really easy product to describe. This is basically a vegan alternative to bacon made of mushrooms! It’s a really smart idea in the sense that most alternatives to the meat are molded together, and this is not. It feels natural and above all else, apparently tastes quite similar to the real thing.
Jay’s Pet Butter – This entire company is about coming up with a peanut butter that is safe and healthy for dogs to eat — it’s a great thing to incorporate as a part of some treats for that very reason! The ingredients are simple and it comes in a variety of flavors.
BarBees Bartending – The entire company is known for their mobile cocktail classes, which can be set up anywhere (or virtually) and are designed to bring a bit of spice or creativity to just about any event. It’s a fun idea! The idea is really just figuring out how to spread the word.
Mama Sing My Song – This is a way to have custom songs created and performed for your little ones, whether they be acapella or with music. They are also then bundled with a stuffed animal to create an unforgettable gift.
What do you want to see from Shroomacon, Jay’s Pet Butter, Mama Sing My Song, and BarBees on Shark Tank tonight?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.