Miss Scarlet and the Duke season 4 episode 4: A key offer

As we prepare to see Miss Scarlet and the Duke season 4 episode 4, we’ll be on the other side of the big origin story. So what are we going to see here?
Well, let’s just say that as we do get closer and closer to the end of the season, we’re going to see a lot of other things potentially change, and the Duke in particular is going to be facing some key decisions. Sure, there are also cases to be had and other storylines taking place here, but what we like about this show is that it’s not afraid to really get further into some of these questions about its main characters. There is a constant push and pull here, just as there should be. You need to have a threat here that someone could leave — otherwise, is there the same sort of dramatic tension here? We’re not altogether sure that there is.
Without further ado now, go ahead and see the full Miss Scarlet and the Duke season 4 episode 4 synopsis below:
Things are going well for Eliza until a familiar face shows up to question her role at Nash & Sons. Meanwhile, Duke receives an offer that brings their relationship to a crisis point.
So what else is there to be excited for beyond all of this? Well, we do think that there will be a few entertaining tidbits and great character moments sprinkled in here and there — basically, reasons to remind us how special this show is to a lot of people. Because so much time has been spent developing the two leads over the years, we of course want to see them doing what they do best! There are also so many complexities woven into who they are that continue to offer new things every single season. We will just have to see exactly where things move from here on out…
What do you most want to see moving into Miss Scarlet and the Duke season 4 episode 4?
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