Survivor 45 episode 12 sneak peek: Julie and Dee’s next plan

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Photo: CBS

As we get prepared for Survivor 45 episode 12 on CBS this week, one thing is abundantly clear: Julie is in big trouble.

After all, consider what just happened! She played an immunity idol (the one “borrowed” from Austin) in order to save her hide in the game. However, she did so because Dee tipped her off and now, the two have to figure out her path moving forward.

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If you head over to the link here, you can see a sneak peek that shows what the next phase of their plan is going to be here. To be specific, Dee and Julie are keeping it a secret how she was tipped off about the vote; that way, they can work together moving forward.

What’s the problem? Making sure that they have the numbers at this point. They will need to have Austin in their pocket and if they do that, they have a little more freedom. They can then work with Drew to take out Jake or Katurah; another fascinating idea would be for Drew to become the target to ensure that he does not become more of a problem further along down the line. That makes the most sense if you are Julie or Dee, since you don’t have that much of an attachment at this point to Drew. At this point, you have to do whatever you can to stay safe.

Another thing worth noting

As this sneak peek also indicates, Austin is going to play his idol / immunity idol at the final six Tribal Council. This is the last time he can play it, so he’s better off just getting it out there. The real problem here is that had he kept his original idol that he gave to Julie, it was good until the final five.

Related Be sure to get some more details entering the next Survivor 45 episode right now

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