Survivor 45 episode 9: Is Dee now in trouble?

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Photo: CBS

As we prepared to see Survivor 45 episode 9 next week, of course we were curious to see where the game would go from here!

The craziest thing that we’ll say here, for starters, is how okay everyone seems to be letting the remaining Reba tribe members stick around. Dee, Drew, Austin, and Julie are clearly running things, and for the time being, they have Emily on their side. Sure, there is a women’s alliance, but Emily has already ratted out said alliance to Drew.

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So what did the promo for what’s coming up next show off? Is there about to be some more chaos? Well, for starters, Jake is still in the game, even if he does not have his Shot in the Dark. He and Bruce probably need each other if they want to survive and, at the same time, they also probably need some sort of immunity idol. Unfortunately, the Reba four plus Emily can control the game moving forward if they stick together, but are they going to do that?

Based on the aforementioned preview, we do have a feeling that there could be some discussions about potentially blindsiding Dee. She’s apparently a really dangerous social threat out there and if she’s at the end, she wins. Do you let her get there? Unfortunately, Austin does not seem altogether keen on the idea of doing something like this to her, and that throws another variable into things.

Based on where things are right now, we’re going to say that a lot of this is simply just production trying to throw us off the scent. The main thing that could cause some chaos is if multiple people do lose their vote, which was suggested by Jeff Probst at one point. That could ultimately alter everything.

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