Our Flag Means Death season 3: More Spanish Jackie ahead?

Is there a chance that we’re going to be getting more Spanish Jackie over the course of Our Flag Means Death season 3? Let’s just say that there are some reasons for optimism, provided (of course) that the show comes back.
With that caveat in mind, let’s just go ahead and say this: We are cautiously optimistic that we’ll get a third and final chapter of this story. It has a dedicated audience, and creator David Jenkins has noted that he has a conclusion in mind for Stede and Blackbeard’s story. Spanish Jackie’s presence at the end of season 2 certainly made us think that we could see more of her down the road — don’t you have to want that?
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In a post on Twitter, we’ve absolutely gotten a sense that Leslie Jones herself is interested in coming back:
Spanish Jackie is one of the best roles i ever played!! Such a great story [and] they made me a badd a– with 20 husbands and wives! I loved it!! Its a muthaf—-ng vibe!
As someone who loves watching the Saturday Night Live alum in pretty much anything, we hope that she gets a great story in the third season — and technically, she is one of those people who could be great for a possible spin-off! Given what we’ve seen her do already, it absolutely seems as though she bridges the gap between pirates and also the life they can live after the golden age dies down. We already see that on some level, Stede and Blackbeard could be moving past it with their hotel, at least for the time being.
Do you want to see more of Spanish Jackie moving into Our Flag Means Death season 3?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.