Gen V season 1 episode 7 spoilers: EP on buildup to finale

Gen V season 1
Photo: Prime Video

As many of you know, we are going to be seeing Gen V season 1 episode 7 over on Prime Video in just over 24 hours. Is it going to be nuts? Absolutely, and that’s exactly what we want! This is a show that is almost certainly going to send some characters down an absolutely bonkers road, and add to this now the fact that the show is going to be building up to the finale at the end of it.

That’s right — there are only eight episodes this season, and that is a hard thing to accept given that we think there is potential for so much more. (Luckily, we do know that there is already a season 2 coming after the fact.)

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Speaking to Nerdist in a new interview, executive producer Michele Fazekas notes that moving into episode 7, Cate could be at the forefront of just about everything:

Everything races to a head and everyone’s been set on these paths, especially Cate, because Cate sort of breaks. And then her friends have to decide, what side are we going to be on here? Because sides are going to form. We had to set up something to launch us into season four of The Boys, and so we did that as well. There’s a handoff between our show and their show.

We have heard about a “handoff” here and there from one show to the next, but what will that be about? If we had to theorize about something at the moment, it is that it will be tied to this superhero virus that Shetty is currently working to develop. This feels like one of the first real things designed to make a guy like Homelander vulnerable, so of course we are curious to see what is going to happen here!

Related Be sure to get some more news on Gen V season 1 episode 7, including a larger promo for what lies ahead

What do you most want to see moving forward into Gen V season 1 episode 7?

Do you think Cate will be a big focus? Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back for more.

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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