Big Brother 25 live feed spoilers: Aftermath of Felicia’s chaos

Today had the potential to be a totally normal day in Big Brother 25, at least for a day that had a Power of Veto Competition. Yet, either Felicia got bored or she decided to stir the pot and create a lot of chaos surrounding Cirie to put herself in a better spot long-term than her.
After all, we do think that Felicia has been feeling somewhat frustrated that Cirie has better social relationships than her, and she wants to get up the pecking order a little. To us, that is why we think that she decided to start throwing her under the bus with the allegations that she was leaking to Blue that she is actually the target this week. (If Blue actually knows this, she is doing a really good job of hiding it, all things considered.)
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Ultimately, Felicia kept her conversation loops about Cirie going to multiple people, while also still acting to Cirie like everything was fine and they would go far in the game together. Meanwhile, Bowie Jane has spent some time with the two women so that she doesn’t seem only loyal to Matt and Jag, and she confirmed today that she would keep Matt over Jag if they were both on the block (not that this is much of a surprise).
Based on a conversation with Cirie and Bowie, we do actually think that the two are considering working long-term with America more than Blue or Felicia, if they ever do really link up. Blue and Felicia are clearly messy, as if today wasn’t proof enough.
Despite all of this, and Jag at least having some discussions about targeting Cirie, it doesn’t seem like he is going to do it for now. Should he? For his game she’s the biggest threat, but it could also lead to a strain between him and Matt.
Related – Be sure to get some more updates on Big Brother 25, including Jag winning yet another Veto
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