Gen V season 1 episode 6 spoilers: More Cate story ahead?

Gen V season 1

As we do approach Gen V season 1 episode 6 on Prime Video next week, doesn’t it feel like Cate has a more important role now than ever before?

For those who are wondering more of what that could be, remember that she was used by Dean Shetty to cause the other students to forget memories. There is clearly something vulnerable about this character where she is trying to find a place and understand it. She’s certainly more than just the girlfriend of the late Golden Boy, and she also may be more powerful than anyone else within this world. Sure, other characters can cause more physical harm, but she is capable of psychological warfare in a way that few others are.

So why did Cate do anything that she did through the first five episodes? Speaking to TV Insider, show executive producer Michele Fazekas notes that there are reasons, and these are things that we are going to learn more and more about as this season progresses:

“She has a legitimate beef … I love the conversation in Episode 3 that she and Marie have about how they have a similar background where Marie’s responsible for the death of her parents. Cate’s responsible for her brother going missing and probably being dead as well.”

In the end, the #1 takeaway here has to just be that Cate’s motivations are going to be there, even if they are not fully clear as of yet. While she has done some bad things, we also do not believe that she is fully some sort of big bad. If she was, she wouldn’t have told Andre about what she’d done until after he killed Rufus! This show may be silly and absurd, but it is also emotionally complex.

Related Get some more news regarding the next Gen V episode now

What do you most want to see moving into Gen V season 1 episode 6?

How big of a role do you think that Cate is going to play? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back for some other updates.

(Photo: Prime Video.)

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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