America’s Got Talent results show #4: Who advanced to finale?

America's Got Talent season 18

Entering tonight’s America’s Got Talent results show, it felt like it was able to predict at least some of what would happen. After all, wouldn’t Chibi Unity be close to a sure thing to advance? On paper we thought so, but we also recognize that nothing is altogether clear. Just remember that voters do tend to favor either singers or inspirational stories, and this episode actually managed to have both.

Before we go any further, here is a clear and cruel reminder that only two acts are moving forward to the next round. Someone could be in the running as a wild card but otherwise, that is unfortunately it.

Now, without further ado, let’s get into what actually happened over the course of the episode! We are going to have updates as the night goes along, so be sure to refresh this page!

The Top Five – Like we said, Chibi Unity was almost certainly going to be here. They were, and they were joined by D’Corey Johnson and also Zion Clark. Anna Deguzman and Shadow Ace joined them. We aren’t too surprised by a lot of this based on where certain acts finished.

The Top Three – Here is where we had Chibi Unity, Anna, and Shadow Ace! Isn’t it interesting that we didn’t have any singers in the mix? That shows that there is more of a desire than ever to get variety on the series in this current era, no?

The two who advanced were…

Chibi and Anna did it! It’s great to see a magic act make it to the finale, and of course Chibi are going to be a major force to be reckoned with as a dance crew with a lot of style.

In the end, just remember that the America’s Got Talent finale is going to be coming on NBC at some point a little later on this month.

What did you think about the America’s Got Talent results show tonight, and who advanced?

Be sure to share in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to keep coming back for some other updates in due time.

(Photo: NBC.)

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