The Afterparty season 2 episode 10 (finale): Any last clues?

The Afterparty season 2

As many of you know already, The Afterparty season 2 episode 10 is going to be the big finale and with that, of course, could come many twists. Is there going to be answers on who killed Edgar? We tend to think so, but there are chances for some other surprises along the way also.

Before we go too much further here, let’s give you a reminder that the title for the finale is “Vivian and Zoe.” Meanwhile, the synopsis does its part to better set the stage:

Alternating between campy horror and ’80s soap opera, Zoe and her mother fill in the remaining blanks of Edgar’s murder.

Now, is there any big takeaway from some of the photos released for this episode right now? We’d love to say so, but of course Apple TV+ is keeping the cards close to the vest. We don’t think it is much of a shock that there is an image showing both Travis and Sebastian with a somewhat devious look on their face, and they are probably doing that knowing that these two are some of the bigger murder suspects who are out there. We do think they are the most obvious since they each may have hidden something out of their original story — also, it wouldn’t destroy Zoe’s family further if one of them did it.

Of course, could both of them also be red herrings? Possibly. The biggest clue that we have right now about the killer is that Hannah and Grace have yet to tell the full story to Aniq and Danner. Another one is Feng seemingly trying to destroy Sebastian’s business while translating on the phone. Was that just because he was upset at Edgar for not investing, or was there something more going on here?

One way or another, we are going to get answers — it just remains to be seen if these are going to be the answers that we want.

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Afterparty and what could be coming up next now

Who do you think killed Edgar on The Afterparty season 2, and what do you want to see during the finale?

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(Photo: Apple TV+.)

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