The Afterparty season 2 episode 9: Did Isabel kill Edgar?

The Afterparty season 2

As we entered The Afterparty season 2 episode 9, we were definitely curious about one thing: Did Isabel really know the truth? At the end of episode 8, she made a big proclamation that she knew who was responsible for Edgar’s death.

Based on what she said tonight, that wasn’t a lie … at least in terms of it being what she thought. However, this did not make it the absolute truth. As we learned over the course of the episode, Isabel thought that she was indirectly responsible for killing her son, as she believed he was trying to poison her with the wedding cake … and she switched them at the last minute.

Now that we’ve said all of this, it turns out that this poisoning was still not quite what it seemed. After all, if this was really the cause of Edgar’s death, he would have passed out far before he did. Also, Roxanna didn’t have any of the cake at all — what impacted one of them clearly impacted both of them, and that is another wrinkle in all of this. Isabel is not responsible for Edgar’s death as she thought, though if her story is true, he was really a pretty terrible person behind the scenes.

So if Isabel didn’t kill Edgar, who did? This is where things do get a little bit unclear. Sebastian may be the lead candidate, mostly because he does stand the most to gain financially from his death. After, he is the one who called the authorities, who showed up at the end of the episode. (Remember that Grace and Hannah do still have some sort of secret here…)

As for who is going to be arrested…

Isabel pointed the finger at Grace when the police showed up, but why? Was she just looking for someone to blame? It could be that, or it may be that she just doesn’t want the murderer to inconvenience her.

Related Be sure to get more news on The Afterparty now, including details on the finale

What did you think about the overall events of The Afterparty season 2 episode 9?

Who do you think killed Edgar at this point? Share right now in the comments! After that, keep coming back to make sure you don’t miss anything else.

(Photo: Apple TV+.)

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